Cruise Vacation Protection Plan Plus
Our comprehensive cruise protection plan offers benefits, coverage and assistance services designed to meet travelers' needs at affordable rates for items purchased through Journeseā should they need to change OR cancel their trip prior to departure.
Journese Cruise Vacation Protection Plan Plus includes our Pre-Departure Waiver Benefits combined with Post-Departure Travel Protection Coverage Benefits underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company.
Travel Agent Commission Protection Included
Cruise Vacation Plan Plus includes travel agent commission protection at no additional fee. Commission Protection is up to $100 per person for cancellations due to non-covered reasons, and 100% of commission for cancellations for covered reasons. Cruise Vacation Protection Plan Plus must be included for all travelers on the booking and be paid in full with initial deposit/payment for your trip. The booking must be paid in full at time of cancellation to receive commission protection. Claims for commission must be made online.
Cruise Vacation Plan Plus includes travel agent commission protection at no additional fee. Commission Protection is up to $100 per person for cancellations due to non-covered reasons, and 100% of commission for cancellations for covered reasons. Cruise Vacation Protection Plan Plus must be included for all travelers on the booking and be paid in full with initial deposit/payment for your trip. The booking must be paid in full at time of cancellation to receive commission protection. Claims for commission must be made online.
Price Protection: guarantees the price of trip as soon as initial payment is received.
Price Protection: guarantees the price of trip as soon as initial payment is received.
Change Coverage: one-time waiver of all supplier fees finalized within one transaction.
Trip Cancellation Benefits:
- For a covered reason, you receive reimbursement in cash of ALL cancellation fees (to a maximum of $10,000 per person) for your Journese travel arrangements if you must cancel your trip prior to departure.
- For any reason not otherwise covered under the Trip Cancellation Benefit, you receive reimbursement in Journese travel certificates of ALL cancellation fees (to a maximum of $10,000 per person) associated with your Journese travel arrangements if you cancel your trip prior to departure.
- In all circumstances, any remaining balance on the reservation after the deduction of the cancel fees and protection plan premium will be refunded in cash or by credit card.
This Cancellation Waiver Benefit does not cover no-shows or occupancy upgrade charges. Journese requires notice of cancellation. This benefit covers only those Travel Arrangements purchased from Journese. Cancellation coverage is void if one-time change coverage is utilized. Journese's Protection Plan provides coverage for non-cruise vacation packages.
Journese travel certificates are non-refundable, non-transferrable, valid for one year from date of issue (but no later than 15 months from the date your Journese Travel Arrangements were cancelled) and may not be redeemed for cash.
Trip Cancellation Benefits:
- Trip Interruption can reimburse expenses for unused non-refundable land travel arrangements, plus additional transportation costs paid, if you interrupt your trip for a covered reason (subject to a maximum benefit amount that is the lessor of your Trip Cost or $10,000 per person).
- Pre-Existing Medical Condition Exclusion Waiver when plan is purchased with your initial deposit/payment for your trip, provided you are not already disabled from travel at time of purchase.
- $25,000 Accident & Sickness Medical Expense Benefit can cover medical expenses incurred during your trip (including up to $750 for emergency dental expenses).
- $50,000 Emergency Medical Evacuation, Medical Repatriation and Return of Remains Coverage
- $1,000 Baggage and Personal Effects.
- $750 Trip Delay (maximum of $150 per day).
- $750 Missed Connection (3 hours or more).
- $250 Baggage Delay
- $25,000 Accidental Death and Dismemberment
- Generali Global Assistance (non-insurance assistance services, which include travel, medical, business and concierge services).
For additional information, view Journese Cruise Protection Plan Plus Plan Documents.
- Per Adult Vacation Package Rate Tiers
(per adult 18 years and older) - Per Adult Plan Pricing
(per adult 18 years and older)

- Regular Season
- 0 - $3,499.99
- $3,500 - $3,999.99
- $4,000 - $4,499.99
- $4,500 - $4,999.99
- $5,000 and above
- Holiday Travel*
- 0 - $3,499.99
- $3,500 - $3,999.99
- $4,000 - $4,499.99
- $4,500 - $4,999.99
- $5,000 and above
- Regular Season
- $220
- $245
- $270
- $300
- $350
- Holiday Travel*
- $240
- $265
- $290
- $320
- $370

Vacation package coverage rate tier determined by total package price divided by number of adults (18 years and older) on booking. Children ages 2 - 17 rates are 50% savings off adult rate.
*2020 HOLIDAY TRAVEL DEPARTURE DATES: Feb. 14 - 17, April 10 - 18, July 3 - 5 and Dec. 19 - 31
Plan costs are for the full travel protection plan, which consists of insurance benefits underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company, non-insurance assistance services provided by Generali Global Assistance, and a non-insurance cancellation or change fee waiver provided by Journese. Individuals looking to obtain additional information regarding the features and pricing of each travel plan component, please contact Trip Mate.
Cancellation and Change Fee Waivers are provided by Journese, are not insurance, and are not underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company.
Insurance benefits are underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company under form series T210 et. al. and TP-401 et. al.
Non-insurance assistance services are provided by Generali Global Assistance and Global Xpi Medical Records Services are provided by Trip Mate.
All Plan benefits are administered by the Producer: Trip Mate, Inc.** (**in CA & UT, dba Trip Mate Insurance Agency, California license number 0805270) 9225 Ward Parkway, Suite 200, Kansas City, MO, 64114, 1-833-297-2255. Email Consumers in California may contact: California Department of Insurance Hotline 1-800-927-4357. Consumers in Maryland may contact: Maryland Insurance Administration 1-800-492-6116 or 410-468-2340.
Please Note: This advertisement does not constitute or form any part of the Travel Protection Plan or any other contract of any kind. Plan benefits, limits, and provisions may vary by state/jurisdiction and not all coverage is available in all states/jurisdictions. The above bullets outline the plan benefits and are not intended as a comprehensive listing of coverage; view the Plan Documents, which includes complete plan details, including benefits and coverage limitations and exclusions.
For Residents of NY Only: The Part A non-insurance Cancellation Fee Waiver may be purchased separately from Part B of the Travel Protection Plan. Contact Journese at 800.442.9244 in order to purchase the Cancellation Fee Waiver separately.
Insurance benefits in the Travel Protection Plan are subject to limitations and exclusions, including an exclusion for pre-existing conditions.
Journese is not an insurer and does not have any liability for any coverage amounts. As a travel retailer, Journese is not qualified or authorized to answer technical questions about the benefits, exclusions or conditions of any of the insurance coverages in the plan or to evaluate the adequacy of your existing insurance coverage. Journese and its employees may offer and disseminate travel insurance under the direction of Trip Mate. You may have coverage from other sources that provides you with similar benefits but may be subject to different restrictions depending upon your other coverages. You may wish to compare the terms of this plan with your existing life, health, home, and automobile insurance policies. If you have any questions about this coverage, contact Trip Mate at 1-833-430-3653. Purchasing a travel protection plan is not required in order to purchase any other products or services offered by Journese.